

Do you have post-traumatic stress disorder?

Many people assume post-traumatic stress syndrome is a condition that only occurs with veterans. However, this disorder also affects many nurses, paramedics, doctors and other health care professionals. Working in hospitals and clinical settings where there is much exposure to trauma and stress makes medical professionals more susceptible to developing

What rules are there about truck drivers’ qualifications?

Denver residents share the road with lots of trucks each day. Trucks are necessary in bringing goods to and from Colorado but they can be considered an obstacle. If a driver is involved in a truck accident that involves a large truck, it can cause serious injuries or even death. With this

Know the effects of drowsy driving and how to stay safe

Combining drowsiness and driving can create an extremely dangerous situation for everyone on the road. Sleepiness is like alcohol in that it can impair judgment, decrease awareness, increase the risk of accident and slow a driver’s reaction time. Drowsy drivers are often those who take medications that make them sleepy, shift workers working

Tips for driving in construction zones

Construction zones are synonymous with frustration and traffic jams. While tensions are high and drivers are irritated on their commute to or from work, the probability of accidents gets higher. Accidents in construction zones are particularly dangerous because there is not much room to protect those involved, and construction workers

Have you been injured on the job? Our law firm can help

When Denver residents go to work each day, they expect to come home at the end of the day to their family and friends. Usually, Denver area workplaces are safe with adequate safety precautions. But, occasionally, a workplace accident occurs that severely affects an employee’s life. Workplace accidents can happen in any

Colorado worker burned in petroleum well

Many Colorado workers have been injured in a workplace accident. These accidents can be serious and cause a worker’s life to be changed forever. Workers’ compensation is available for these workers to help them recover from their injuries and get back on their feet. A Colorado petroleum worker was seriously injured

How cyclists can reduce the high risk of accident and injury

Colorado ranks number 14 in bicycle deaths per capita, reports GOVERNING Magazine. On average, there are about 10 deaths of cyclists in the state each year, but these figures are increasing, not declining. There are even more non-fatal accidents involving bicycles and autos. Now that the weather is nice, more cyclists

Colorado oil and gas workers at high risk of injury or death

Colorado has many residents who work for the oil and gas industry. Unfortunately, many of these workers are exposed to serious workplace hazards. Workers’ compensation can help injured employees with the many expenses they can face after being injured on the job. Since 2003, over 50 Colorado workers have died in the

Slip-and-fall accidents common in hospitals

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that slips, trips and falls in the hospital setting are the second most common cause of lost-workday injuries, and the rate for slips, trips and falls in hospitals is 90 percent higher than all other private industries combined. The most common types

Five students injured in school bus crash

Thousands of Denver parents send their children on a school bus every morning trusting that they will arrive at school safely. Most of the time this is the case, but occasionally a motor vehicle accident occurs that involves a bus. These situations can be extremely tragic for parents and the community. A