

Protect yourself against the underinsured

Chances are, if you are in Colorado and are involved in a multi-vehicle accident, one of the other vehicles will be driven by someone who is either an uninsured motorist or an underinsured motorist. This is because of all the states in the US, Colorado has one of the higher rates of

Fighting insurance with assurance

Wouldn’t it be ideal to have inside knowledge of the type of tactics an insurance company employs when defending itself against claims that come in from the very people who pay to be insured? To know with near-certainty that your claim will be paid and you will be compensated financially

Repeat offender kills cyclist and flees scene

Many cyclists face dangers during their rides. They take to roadways, navigating foothills, finding scenic spots or hitting more challenging paths in order to prove their abilities and attain a sense of accomplishment. But these roadways are wrought with danger as distracted motorists become an increasingly common problem. In the case

Truck driver faces four counts of manslaughter

It really is disconcerting to have to share the highway alongside semi trucks. If you have ever been anywhere near an 18-wheeler when it has a tire blowout, you have probably felt true terror. Not only is a blown tire on a semi loud, it can be life-threatening to the

One officer pleads to society to combat drunk driving

A recent article in the Coloradoan features a sheriff’s deputy in Larimer County who also happens to be the top enforcer for the DUI Enforcement Unit. The officer got hooked on driving under the influence investigations and arrests since 2002 when he shadowed an enforcement officer for the DUI division. Since

Am I eligible for workers’ compensation?

If your job is labor-intensive and you find yourself required to do the same thing countless times a day, using repetitive motion, you may develop a stress-related injury. If you currently work or in the past have worked around any number of chemicals, compounds, dust, fumes or vapors without proper

Summer driving safety important for teens

Keeping teens safe over the summer can be a challenge. School is out and many teens want to borrow the car and head out to have all kinds of adventures with their friends. There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as they can do it responsibly. Because there are more

A woman dies in a Colorado accident involving a semi-truck

Any time a car and a semi-truck collide, the results are almost guaranteed to be catastrophic in nature. It’s an unfortunate reality that passenger vehicles must share the roads with vehicles far more powerful but with a greater limitation to visibility and typically far more blind spots. It isn’t clear

A darker meaning to Memorial Day

Holidays should be times of celebration and festivities, even a holiday such as Memorial Day, when we remember those who have given their lives for our country. For the families of those who were victims of alcohol-related accidents each Memorial Day, the holiday has taken a deeper, darker meaning. Because of

What if the at-fault driver in a crash doesn’t have insurance?

Car accidents cost the country approximately $871 billion a year. As you might imagine, insurance companies are not too thrilled with having to pay even a percentage of that cost. Even if they have to pay out 1 percent of that total, that’s still over $8 billion a year that out