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Five Common Workplace Injuries in Colorado 

The first step to preventing workplace injuries in Colorado is identifying common patterns. The Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) has identified the most common accidents in Colorado, and these accidents cause workers to suffer serious injuries. Avoiding these injuries may be easier if you understand how common accidents occur in Colorado. If you have already been injured at work by one of these common accidents, however, statistics only succeed in providing meaningless insights into your challenging situation. To pursue financial support, it makes more sense to speak directly with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Colorado.

Common Workplace Injuries in Colorado

  1. Injuries Caused by Overexertion

According to the National Safety Council, injuries caused by overexertion are very common in Colorado workplaces. Doctors are only just beginning to realize how serious repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) can be. These injuries are very common in workplaces like factories, warehouses, grocery stores, and meat processing plants. If your job requires you to carry out the same motions for hours on end, you face a heightened risk for RSIs.

Although RSIs may seem minor, they can cause permanent disability. Arthritis, rotator cuff injuries, and a range of soft tissue injuries can become so serious that you may never work again. The pain associated with these injuries can be intense, and you may lose the ability to carry out basic tasks with your arms, hands, and any other part of your body with joints.

These injuries are not only difficult to prevent, but they are also difficult to identify. After filing a workers’ comp claim, a worker with an RSI might receive a denial letter from an insurer. This insurer might argue that the injury was pre-existing. Workers often rely on attorneys to help prove that their RSIs are work-related. Major companies have faced serious scrutiny from state and federal authorities for worker RSIs. To prevent injuries associated with overexertion, companies should ensure a variety of tasks and regular breaks.

  1. Injuries Caused by Falls

Falls end countless careers and lives each year. Although you might assume that this type of injury only affects construction workers, virtually anyone can become disabled by a fall. An office worker can slip and fall down a set of stairs, causing disabling injuries. A grocery worker might also slip on a spill, causing a traumatic brain injury.

Of course, the most serious falls occur over great distances – and they can easily be fatal. A construction worker might fall multiple stories before impacting the ground and suffering fatal injuries. This type of injury leaves families with serious emotional distress and a lifetime of missed wages.

To prevent falls, employers should provide their workers with adequate training and equipment. This equipment might include safety nets, harnesses, and railings. In workplaces like offices or grocery stores, employers should keep floors clear of fall hazards. These might include loose cables, liquid spills, or fallen debris. Even a dimly-lit stairwell can cause preventable fall injuries.

  1. Injuries After Exposure to Harmful Substances

Another common injury in Colorado involves exposure to harmful substances. This might include radiation, toxins, and materials like asbestos. Sometimes, the lack of exposure to certain substances can also cause injuries. For example, a worker might suffer serious injuries due to lack of exposure to clean air, oxygen, and water. A worker can also suffer psychological injuries after being exposed to traumatic events. Other examples of harmful substances include noise (hearing damage) and electricity (electrocution).

  1. Injuries After Being Struck By Objects

“Struck-by” accidents are one of OSHA’s “Fatal Four” workplace accidents. As the name suggests, these accidents involve objects hitting workers. A classic example is an object falling from a construction site and hitting a worker down below – perhaps causing a traumatic brain injury.

  1. Injuries After Being Caught Between Objects

“Caught-between” accidents have also proven dangerous and common. Workers may be caught in collapsing trenches. They might also be crushed by moving vehicles, machinery, or equipment. These accidents are often fatal.

Find an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Colorado

If you have suffered an injury in any of these common workplace accidents, it may be time to contact a workers’ comp lawyer in Colorado. Choose The Law Offices of W. Dan Mahoney, P.C. to get started with an action plan. With our help, you can overcome many of the common challenges associated with workers’ comp claims – including denied claims, low payouts, and errors in wage calculations. Reach out today to discuss your situation in more detail.
