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How to Choose the Right Denver Workers’ Compensation Attorney

For many injured workers in Colorado, choosing a workers’ compensation attorney feels like a difficult decision. The average worker is unfamiliar with the legal world, and they may feel unqualified to assess a particular lawyer’s suitability. However, a measured approach is almost always better than simply choosing a name out of a hat. With a few basic steps, you can choose an experienced, qualified workers’ compensation who will fight for your rights.

Workers’ Compensation

Why Do I Even Need a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

Faced with this daunting process, you might wonder why choosing a workers’ compensation lawyer is even necessary. Can’t you file a claim on your own? In Colorado, there is no law that states you must hire a lawyer to file a claim. However, this is a popular option for many workers – particularly those who face challenging or complex situations. A lawyer can help you proceed with confidence, reducing simple mistakes and increasing the chances of approved claims. Even a small error can cause a delay or a denied claim.

A workers’ compensation lawyer may be particularly helpful if your claim has already been denied. In this situation, your attorney can contest your denied claim in court and help you push back against insurers and employers who refuse to pay your fair share.

Consider Their Qualifications and Educational Background

Perhaps the most obvious step is to assess the lawyer’s educational background and overall qualifications. Some lawyers take courses, attend webinars, and participate in other educational sessions specifically geared toward workers’ compensation cases. For example, the Colorado Bar Association Workers’ Compensation Section offers annual “updates,” and lawyers can earn credits by participating. The State of Colorado Department of Labor Workers Compensation Division has a list of qualified lawyers who primarily practice in workers compensation that you may consult.

Consider How Much Experience They Have with Workers’ Compensation Cases

In addition, you might want to assess how much experience a lawyer has with workers’ compensation cases. How many injured workers have they helped in the past? How many years have they been focusing on this practice area? Are they focusing on this practice area at all, or is this more of a secondary focus? If a lawyer primarily focuses on personal injury law and only assists injured workers on a sporadic basis, you might want to search for a lawyer who places a greater emphasis on workers’ comp cases. Although there are many similarities between personal injury and workers’ comp, there are also many differences.

Consider Any Past Cases They Have Been Involved In

You might be able to look into past cases that a lawyer has handled in the past. determine what happened. Although this might require some online research, it could provide you with important insights.

Alternatively, you could simply ask a lawyer about their past cases. They might be eager to tell you about past victories, including lucrative settlements they have won for clients. Many lawyers advertise these victories on their websites, giving you a sense of what they can achieve.

Ask Injured Workers About Their Experiences with Workers’ Comp Lawyers

You can always ask other Colorado workers about their experiences with various workers’ comp lawyers. Injured workers may advise you to steer clear of certain lawyers. Others might recommend lawyers who have helped them achieve positive results. Sometimes, word-of-mouth can be highly informative. Of course, it can also be somewhat inaccurate.

A Consultation is an Excellent Opportunity to Assess a Lawyer

While you can research a particular Colorado workers’ compensation lawyer on the internet, a consultation may provide greater insights. Sometimes, a lawyer’s qualifications and experience do not tell the whole story. A lawyer is not necessarily the right choice just because they attended a prestigious school. Experience levels may also be misleading. A face-to-face meeting with a lawyer could be the most effective way to assess potential candidates. During this meeting, you can discuss your unique concerns, ask questions, and get a sense of the lawyer’s personality. You might not have much legal experience as an injured worker – but you can still trust your instincts. Book a consultation at The Law Office of W. Dan Mahoney, P.C. today to learn more about your options.

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