Off-duty officer convicted of DWI for I-25 accident

We all make mistakes, but when police officers get caught violating the very laws they are entrusted to enforce, it just doesn’t look good. This week, a jury in Denver came up with a guilty verdict in a DUI case against a 39-year-old off-duty police officer who caused a crash on Interstate 25 back in January.

The accident occurred while the officer was driving under the influence of alcohol and driving carelessly. Reportedly, he sideswiped an SUV that subsequently ran into a concrete barrier and rolled over. Luckily, no serious injuries occurred—such accidents can turn out much worse.

Police said that the off-duty officer’s blood alcohol content was over three times the legal limit at the time of the crash. He pleaded guilty to DWI on a previous occasion. Sources didn’t say whether any civil suits have been filed in connection with the accident.

When a driver is convicted of DWI case in which other parties were killed or injured, they will sometimes face civil repercussions in the form of a personal injury or wrongful death suit. In some ways, suing a driver who has been convicted of DWI makes it easier to build a strong case. In terms of evidence, though, it is important to plaintiffs understand the limits of what can and cannot be admitted at trial.

Putting together a solid personal injury case is not always easy, and it helps a great deal to work with an experienced attorney. This will ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved in the case.

Source: Denver Post, “Off-duty Denver cop who sideswiped SUV on I-25 found guilty of DUI,” Jordan Steffen, August 22, 2013.