Deion Sanders seeking compensation for brain injury

Deion Sanders Seeking Compensation for Injury of BrainDeion Sanders is reportedly catching flack for comments he made about brain-injured NFL players attempting to make money by filing workers’ compensation claims. Those comments, made back in February during the pregame show in New Orleans, came about two years after Sanders filed his own workers’ compensation claim in California, claiming to have sustained head trauma and other injuries during his time with the Dallas Cowboys.

That case is currently pending, but Sanders was initially determined to be 86 percent disabled, with over a dozen medical conditions. Now, of course, the NFL is pressing for legislation in California that would prevent out-of-state athletes from receiving workers’ compensation for cumulative injuries connected to their sport.

Sander’s filing is not unique, by any means. Since 2006, more than 4,400 athletes had filed claims alleging severe brain injuries. Nearly 80 percent of those claims were filed by football players.

The NFL, as some of our readers know, agreed last week to pay over 4,500 players a total of $765 million to settle litigation in which it is alleged that the leagued ignored mounting evidence of the risks of head injuries for long-term brain health. Over 2,300 former football players were part of that federal lawsuit.  In addition to that, there are right now at least 43 assistant coaches and other employees suing the NFL for personal injury. Overall, there is a heightened awareness of brain injury and people taking action on it.

Brain injury, in motor vehicle accidents, can be quite serious and have far reaching effects. It is, of course, in the best interests of accident victims to seek out a qualified advocate to help them obtain the compensation they deserve.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Deion Sanders, critic of NFL concussion suits, seeks workers’ comp,” Ken Bensinger, September 5, 2013.