Officers have many ways of determining BAC

If you are involved in a car accident, you could face serious injuries or worse. Sadly, countless drivers choose to get behind the wheel while intoxicated every year in Colorado. To make things worse, it is often the others on the road who pay the price for the irresponsibility of these drunk drivers. We saw in a previous article the devastating extent of this problem. But what happens if the responsible driver refuses tests to determine whether he or she is intoxicated?

You may be worried that they could escape justice simply by saying no to a Breathalyzer. Fortunately, that is not the case. There are multiple samples an officer can take in order to determine an individual’s blood alcohol concentration. Samples can be taken from the blood, breath, saliva, urine or even hair.

Although it is true that a driver may refuse to submit to certain tests, implied consent laws mean that doing so still comes with penalties. Furthermore, officers may be able to obtain a warrant for a blood draw, even if the driver is unwilling to go through with it. Forced blood draws are also an option if the driver is unconscious or otherwise unable to agree to the test.

The methods used may vary from one case to the next, as is explained here. However, officers will do their utmost to find out the truth of the situation. If you or a loved one have been harmed as the result of a drunk driving accident, an attorney could offer you the extra support you need in order to pursue justice and compensation for your injuries.