Many jobs come with health hazards or a risk of injury. However, no matter your line of work, you expect to be properly protected. Your employer has a responsibility to ensure that you receive adequate warning of the potential dangers of your workplace, as well as training and safety equipment to protect you from it.
Unfortunately, many employees are not afforded this care and security. As a result, they suffer serious injuries or life-threatening illnesses. In one such case, over 4,600 workers, or survivors of workers, have sought federal compensation for the exposure of those employees to toxic materials and radiation at the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant.
Years after the plant’s closure, many workers are still waiting to be compensated. Not even half of the applicants have received approval for their claims. The problem is that they are expected to document their exposure, but in many cases, there are no records for them to work from. Nevertheless, they believe themselves to have suffered health issues as a result of their exposure.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for workers in Colorado to have to fight for the compensation they deserve. As such, if you plan to make a workers’ compensation claim, you might benefit from the support of an attorney. He or she may be able to help you secure the remuneration you deserve.
Standing up to your employer in this way may seem daunting, but it is vital to challenge such unfair and irresponsible behavior. You have the right to a safe working environment and if you are harmed in the course of your employment, you may be entitled to compensation.
Source: Rocky Mountain PBS News, “Many Former Rocky Flats Workers Still Wait for Radiation Exposure Benefits,” Laura Frank and Jim Trotter, Oct. 29, 2014