What if the at-fault driver in a crash doesn’t have insurance?

Car accidents cost the country approximately $871 billion a year. As you might imagine, insurance companies are not too thrilled with having to pay even a percentage of that cost. Even if they have to pay out 1 percent of that total, that’s still over $8 billion a year that out of their profits.

Now imagine this scenario. You are driving along a residential road at night. It’s about 6:30 p.m. and you’ve recently left work. You are driving the speed limit, obeying the traffic laws, your headlights are on and you’re completely sober. Suddenly, a car speeds out of an intersection directly in front of you. Despite engaging in defensive driving maneuvers, you are unable to avoid a crash. Fortunately, no one is hurt. Unfortunately, when you politely ask for the driver’s insurance information, you learn that he is one of the approximately 14 percent of uninsured motorists in this country.

Some states require that motorists carry uninsured motorist insurance. Colorado is not one of those states. So when you call your insurance company, they are likely going to be very sympathetic and rattle off a string of terms and numbers. You are probably going to hear a lot about liability coverage and uninsured motorist coverage and deductibles and limits and a whole lot else. Then, if you are very lucky, the insurance company will offer to pay you a minimal amount and hope you go away. If you are unlucky, they are going to throw every roadblock they can think of to avoid paying you one red cent.

If that is the case, you may wish to seek help from an attorney. An attorney speaks insurance. He can contact the insurance company on your behalf, plumb the depths of your policy, and ensure that the company is in complete compliance with state law with regards to what type of coverage they have for you. An attorney can also help you gather any and all information you need in an effort to help ensure that your insurance company provides you with the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.