Family of 5 en route to Colorado killed by truck

Big dreams were in front of a family of five on their way to Colorado. The mother and father were both in their late twenties, with three young and beautiful children to be proud of. The youngest child was only a couple of months old. The family was on their way to learn a language as well as learn to assimilate to life in a new culture, because after their stop in Colorado they were on their way to Japan where they were committed to working as Christian missionaries.

That mission was tragically cut short, allegedly by a senseless act of negligence. Another life has ended as well: a man who may have simply not been paying attention as he wielded his behemoth vehicle of death, without slowing, into the family’s minivan in front of him, setting off a chain of accidents, all caused by the momentum behind the impact of his semi truck.

Many were injured. The other fatally injured victim was not in the initial minivan to suffer the impact but was in a minivan just in front of the family. The single victim in that minivan struck an SUV in front of it and the SUV struck another van. All from the momentum of the semi truck.

If there was ever question of how important a truck driver’s job must be taken at all times, it should be laid to rest with these unfortunate people. The driver is currently facing motor vehicle homicide charges on five counts, all felony-level charges and a charge of reckless driving, which is a misdemeanor. The sixth victim was pronounced dead but as of reports a day later, was still on life support.

If you are forced to face something as senseless, frustrating and tragic as a truck accident such as this one, bear in mind that you don’t have to simply accept your new circumstances. Depending upon your situation, you may be able to recover substantial damages that can help with the rehabilitation of your family as they recover from an entirely avoidable accident.

Source:, “Semi-driver was inattentive, distracted when he hit family’s minivan in I-80 crash, State Patrol says,” Kevin Cole and Alia Conley, Aug 3, 2016