What is the most dangerous job in America?

No one leaves their home in the morning thinking they might get injured on the job, regardless of how dangerous their job is. Even when workers are performing dangerous tasks, they assume they have the proper training and equipment to protect them. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and an unsafe working environment can result in catastrophic injuries that can wreak havoc on the lives of injured workers and their family members.

Denver residents might not know that truck drivers and sales drivers are working one of the country’s most dangerous jobs. In 2017 alone, these two professions accounted for almost 1000 deaths. However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics points out this might be because of the sheer number of workers engaged in these fields, rather than the injuries.

Electrical power line installers and repairers have joined the list in 2017, removing construction work supervisors from the list altogether. Structural iron and steel workers are the sixth most dangerous occupation in the country, with an injury rate of 33.4%. With a 45.2% injury rate, roofers came in as the fourth most dangerous and logging workers came in at second with an 84.3% work injury rate. Fishers and fishing related workers have a 99.8% injury rate, topping the list of most dangerous occupations with 41 fatalities.

Injured workers may not know they are entitled to workers’ compensation. This can help cover the cost of medical expenses and replace wages lost due to time taken off for recovery. Workers’ compensation is a valuable resource for injured workers and an experienced attorney can help workers exercise their right to receive it.