Employers in many different industries are struggling to find people able to fill open positions. Often, there are few applicants who qualify for the jobs, and the companies sometimes opt to pick someone who is the best option available to them.
Unfortunately, due to pressures facing the employers, many of these employees are forced to get up to speed very quickly. They have to complete tasks at a much faster pace than usual, and have more work due to staff shortages. Safety precautions may not be as important as getting work done now, which can be especially problematic for workers just starting at a new place of employment.
These conditions can make it much more dangerous for workers to complete their tasks safely, and increase the chances that an accident will occur. Certain employers have already seen a rise in accidents over the past year, and additional pressures could mean more of the same in 2022. Amazon, who has several warehouses and fulfillment centers in Colorado, has seen increases in accidents in its Aurora and Thornton facilities, according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) data.
Workers have expressed concerns about the conditions present in some of these facilities, but unfortunately, it often fails to result in any substantial changes. Those injured on the job in Colorado need to know that they have options available to them to help them make ends meet while out of work. The state’s workers’ compensation system provides benefits to those who have been injured while working, regardless of how the injuries occurred. Additionally, if your claim has been denied, you may still be entitled to compensation as a result of your injuries.