Airport worker injuries

Airline workers in the Denver area have some of the toughest jobs. Sadly, they are subject to certain injuries while performing their duties. These injuries can be serious enough to prevent them from working and require them to file for workers’ compensation.

Why are airport workers at risk of injuries?

Airports are always hectic as people come and go. With such a busy environment, workers have a range of responsibilities such as assisting travelers with luggage, cleaning and more. As a result, airport workers can be exposed to several hazards at work. Unfortunately, it’s common for them to suffer injuries and illness and have to file workers’ compensation claims if they have to miss time from work to recover.

What kinds of injuries are common among airport workers?

Airport workers can often suffer back injuries due to having to regularly lift heavy luggage. These are probably the most common types of injuries among people who work in airports. Back strain can be mild at first but become more severe over time after too much strain.

Tripping over luggage and falling is also common. It can result in injuries to the knees, wrists, arms or ankles. In the worst-case scenario, if an airport worker has a bad trip and fall accident, they can hit their head and suffer serious head injuries or even traumatic brain injuries. Wet floors in the airport that are unmarked by warning cones or signs can result in airport workers slipping and falling as well.

If the lighting is poor in some areas of the airport, workers can have accidents and become injured. Filing a workers’ comp claim is often necessary.

In addition to injuries, airport workers can also suffer illnesses while on the job. Sometimes, a worker might be continuously exposed to toxic chemicals. Over time, that exposure can lead to illnesses such as cancer or breathing problems like asthma or chronic bronchitis.