

Top injuries from bicycle crashes

Riding a bicycle is a popular hobby in Denver, with access to numerous trails, bike lanes and other amenities. The city takes this mode of transportation seriously and makes efforts to increase safety while decreasing deaths and severe injuries from traffic accidents. As a cyclist, it is good to be aware of what injuries

Pedestrian killed in hit-and-run auto accident

Colorado pedestrians must be fully aware of their surroundings and be cognizant of other drivers on the road. Because many drivers operate their vehicles under the influence, are distracted, or are simply driving too fast, auto accidents are common. An accident can be compounded by a driver fleeing the scene.

PTSD for non-first-responders now part of workers’ compensation

Colorado legislators, recognizing the need to include mental distress from on-the-job traumatic experiences for those other than first responders, extended a new law to include these workers. First response employees, such as police, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs and other emergency personnel regularly see horrific incidents at work. Even though emergency professionals

43 crashes a day caused by distracted drivers in Colorado

There are seemingly endless stories and statistics about the number of accidents caused by distracted drivers. Coloradans are not immune to this trend and a new report says that it is a significant problem in the state. Even with law enforcement and legislators trying to reduce its frequency, people continue

A brief guide for nurses with joint injuries

When you went to school to get the credentials you needed to work in a medical facility, you were probably thinking about the rewards. However, one of the reasons there is such a high demand for medical workers is that it is a relatively punishing career. Nursing, for example, has

Workplace accident kills Colorado DOT employee

Like any municipality, Colorado roads needs maintenance work. Workers who do this type of work are in danger just by being near traffic. Although accidents happen, no one is expecting to be injured on the job. In some cases, the injuries result in the need for workers’ compensation benefits to

Can you sue your employer instead of getting worker’s comp?

Do not get corralled into one course of action when you get injured at work; there will be a lot of people suggesting options to you. Your employer, Colorado insurance companies and even your co-workers may have something to say about it. These people may or may not be on

Colorado law enforcement officer injured in car crash

Colorado workers can be injured on the job in any vocation. Of course, people who work in risky occupations have a greater chance of being injured or losing their lives in a workplace accident. However, just like anyone else, these individuals need workers’ compensation benefits to cover what was lost

TBI symptoms may not appear immediately after a car crash

Roadways in the metro area seem to get more crowded every day. Whether your commute takes you on I-25, I-70, Colorado Boulevard or a different roadway, you must drive defensively to avoid a car wreck. If you collide with another vehicle, though, you may face a long road to recovery. All automobile

Maximizing workers’ compensation requires legal assistance

When Denver residents head to work, the last thing they expect is to be injured on the job and suddenly face the need to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Unfortunately, this happens every day across the nation. A workplace accident does not discriminate and can happen to anyone, regardless of what