

Driver goes through red light causing fatal crash

When people are on the road in Denver and across Colorado, there is an expectation that everyone will adhere to basic rules, like stopping at red lights, yielding to pedestrians and sticking to all other requirements that are designed to enhance safety. When that does not happen, it is possible

3 mistakes to avoid after your car accident

A car crash can have serious consequences on your health and finances. You may continue to feel the repercussions for many years into the future. Obtaining compensation through a personal injury lawsuit can help you by offsetting financial losses and enabling you to access the medical care you need. Avoiding some common mistakes

Positive and negative trends in Colorado workplace accident stats

Regardless of the type of work they do, Colorado workers can suffer injuries and fatalities in a workplace accident. For those who are confronted with this unfortunate turn of events, workers’ compensation benefits are a necessity and a right. Workers’ comp can provide compensation for medical coverage and lost wages.

Does workers’ comp cover PTSD?

When you suffer an injury on the job, workers’ compensation laws govern how much of that injury your employer is responsible for covering. Along with the physical injuries, you may also have psychological issues cropping up. Your doctors believe you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from the workplace injury. Does workers’

What if I want to reopen my workers’ compensation case?

Coloradans who are injured on the job have the right to seek workers’ compensation benefits. If their claim is approved, the worker will get the benefits they need, which can include the wages that were lost while they were unable to work and compensation for medical care. It is important

Fatal head-on DWI accident results in arrest

In Denver and throughout Colorado, drivers still choose to get behind the wheel after drinking or using drugs. This happens despite the known dangers and legal ramifications for doing so. Since drivers under the influence do not have the reaction time nor the judgment that people who are sober do,

How to treat social media during a workers’ comp case

Social media continues to be an ever-present force in Coloradans’ lives. The number of adults in the United States who use Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest increased in 2018 over the previous year. While a little social media use can be harmless fun, it can impact you in real life, especially if you

Drowsy driving can lead to accidents

There are many factors that can increase the risk of a car crash. In addition to widely-covered issues such as road rage and phone use, drowsiness plays a major role in causing a large portion of accidents. Knowing the signs of dangerous levels of drowsiness can help you avoid getting behind the

Police officer injured on the job in crash with drunk driver

In Colorado, any employment can be dangerous and result in a worker being injured on the job. While those in sedentary and so-called “safe” jobs can be hurt in incidents and accidents, there are certain occupations that are riskier than others. Law enforcement is one. When an officer is out

Drunk driving accident seriously injured motorcyclist

In Denver and across Colorado, it is important that drivers of conventional vehicles and motorcyclists share the road as vigilantly as possible to make certain of everyone’s safety. Given their vulnerability, a motorcyclist can suffer serious injuries in any crash. These incidents are made worse when it is a drunk