

Colorado Workers’ Compensation Cases and Third-Party Liability

Third-party liability is a phrase you might hear as you approach a Colorado workers’ compensation claim. But what does it actually mean? Although it is easy to dismiss complex terminology like this, it might be worth looking into this subject further. Third-party liability is a concept that may affect your

Maximizing Compensation Options for Transportation & Delivery Workers in Colorado

The transportation and logistics industry in Colorado employs almost 200,000 people in the state. These employees receive almost $13.5 billion in net payroll each year as they travel across thousands of miles of interstate freeways. Delivery workers also contribute to Colorado’s economy, with more residents shopping online than ever before. Employees

The Dynamics of Settling Workers’ Compensation Claims

One of the key benefits of the workers’ compensation program in Colorado is the fact that the entire process may be resolved in a fairly expedient manner. The system is specifically designed to provide workers with the compensation they need to cover their medical expenses and missed wages as quickly

Navigating Workers’ Compensation for Independent Contractors in Colorado

Recent events have caused a rise in remote work, digital entrepreneurship, and freelancing across Colorado. In truth, however, independent contractors have played an important role in our economy for decades. Many Colorado residents are attracted by the freedom, flexibility, and even the tax benefits they experience as independent contractors. While

Step-by-Step Process for Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Colorado

Were you injured on the job in Colorado? You have the right to seek no-fault benefits through the workers’ compensation insurance system. Navigating the workers’ comp claims process can be challenging. It is normal to have a ton of questions. At The Law Offices of W. Dan Mahoney, P.C., we

Common Workplace Injuries Covered by Workers’ Compensation in Colorado

Colorado mandates that all employers must have no-fault workers’ compensation insurance coverage. If you are hurt on the job, you have the right to file for workers’ benefits. It is an important level of protection for employees in our state. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people are hurt on the

Returning to Work After a Workplace Injury: Rights and Responsibilities

The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment explains that “all businesses with employees are required to have workers’ compensation insurance.” If you are hurt on the job, workers’ comp provides no-fault benefits. You may be required to miss time at work to recover from your accident. Returning to the job

The Implications of Pre-existing Conditions in Colorado Workers’ Compensation Cases

Workers' compensation cases in Colorado can be complex, particularly when pre-existing conditions are involved. Having a clear understanding of the implications of pre-existing conditions is crucial for both employers and employees. This ensures fair and just outcomes in workers' compensation cases. In this guide, we will explore all aspects of

Understanding the Average Weekly Wage Calculation in Colorado Workers’ Compensation

Workers' compensation is designed to cushion employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. In Colorado, understanding the Average Weekly Wage (AWW) calculation is essential for both employers and employees. In this blog post, our experts at The Law Offices of W. Dan Mahoney, P.C. will break down the aspects of

The Role of Third-Party Liability in Colorado Workers’ Compensation Cases

When a person is injured while working, they are entitled to compensation for their damages. In Colorado, an employee can get compensated through worker's compensation or filing a third-party liability claim. But just how do the two claims relate? How can you benefit from a third-party claim? Join us to