

Watching out for aggressive drivers

There are many great things about living in Colorado; unfortunately, driving on its roads is not among them. According to several insurance studies, Colorado drivers rank among the nation’s worst for their frequently aggressive driving. Driving aggressively often leads to accidents, as angry drivers tend to ignore traffic rules as well

Not all truck accidents involve vehicles colliding

Denver residents are accustomed to exercising extra caution when sharing the road with semi trucks. But even if a truck driver is also driving responsibly, it’s still possible for a truck accident to occur. How so? A news station here in Denver recently made the point that sometimes a truck is hauling

What if you can’t go back to work after a workplace accident?

A serious accident on the job can leave workers with injuries that change their lives forever. While many recover and eventually return to work, this is not always the case. Some workers will need vocational rehabilitation – that is, assistance in finding new employment with requirements that they are able

Can you be seen by NPs for workers’ comp?

Nurse practitioners perform many of the same functions that doctors do. For example, like a doctor can, an NP in Colorado may diagnose and treat patients and prescribe medication as long as the NP’s initial supervisory period has been completed. Colorado also recognizes NPs as primary care providers. That said, workers’

The brain may harbor a perception dangerous to motorcyclists

Following a car-motorcycle crash, the motorist who was at fault for the accident may insist that s/he did not see the motorcycle, inferring that it was too small an object. A university study indicates that this may have to do with how the brain interprets distances. About the study The

Denver area construction worker injured in air duct fall

Denver residents have only to pass by a typical construction site to get a sense of the risks that construction workers face on the job. From towering scaffolds to heavy machinery and electrical wiring, the possibilities for a workplace accident are numerous, and only increase as the scope of the construction project

3 of the most common workers comp claims

Countless people are injured on the job every day and find themselves faced with two options: report the injury and pursue workers’ compensation or ignore the pain for fear of retaliation. Too many workers choose the latter and regret the decision greatly. Injured workers are legally protected from retaliation and

Driving under the influence of marijuana in Colorado

April 20 is unofficially a day on which fans of recreational marijuana celebrate and partake of the drug, which was legalized here in Colorado recently. Unfortunately, statistics show that some Colorado drivers are either unaware of or insufficiently concerned about the risks associated with driving under the influence of the

Help when injured by an underinsured or uninsured motorist

Car accidents can be troublesome enough but may be made even worse when the victim has been hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver. When an underinsured or uninsured driver has caused a car accident, it does not mean that the victim is not left with the same damages which can include

Got hurt at work? Avoid these 3 costly mistakes

When you suffer an injury at work, you may face a lot of challenges. You may worry about making ends meet and struggle to take the right steps. Without compensation, you may seriously suffer financially. While workplace injuries may be disorienting and frustrating, it is important to handle the workers’ compensation process with