

Common Hazards Nurses Face on the Job

As a nurse in Colorado, you probably find your job to be rewarding and challenging as well as busy and hectic at times. It can give you a great deal of satisfaction to help others and make a difference in the lives of your patients and their families. While you

Is your teen getting too confident in his or her driving?

For many young people, getting a driver’s license is a sign that adulthood is not far off. With a license and a vehicle, teens have more independence than ever before. Often, parents appreciate this freedom too, as teens can help with transporting younger siblings and doing errands. One interesting thing,

Basic first steps to take when injured on the job

When an employee suffers an injury on the job in Colorado, there are procedures that he or she must follow to receive coverage by workers’ compensation insurance. These procedures are designed to ensure that the employee receives proper medical treatment for that injury or wage coverage for missed time from work.

What if an employer retaliates for reporting an OSHA violation?

All too often, unsafe working conditions go unreported. Employees may feel that their employer will retaliate against them if they raise an issue; many have faced punishment ranging from reduced hours or being skipped for a promotion to being denied benefits or even fired. What can Denver workers do when

Hit-and-run accident? Turn to a personal injury professional

Our last post here on our Denver Personal Injury Law Blog raised a particularly difficult and painful scenario. What happens when a hit-and-run driver gets away after a motor vehicle accident? Fortunately, the suspect in that post was eventually caught. We say “fortunately” because without knowing at least the identity of

Victim’s family suspects drunk driving in fatal accident

There are few things more terrifying and tragic than a fatal car accident, but a hit-and-run accident only adds to the already-horrific nature of a car accident. Unfortunately, hit-and-run accidents are all too common, and sadly, there can sometimes be concerns about whether the driver was operating the vehicle while

The injury risks of working in health care

If you work in a health care setting, you may already know the many risks for injury that you are exposed to on a daily basis. The general public may not think about these, especially because health care workers are the very people who the public turns to when they

Tragic motor vehicle accident claims a cyclist’s life

Auto-bike accidents can be very serious and easily lead to life-threatening injury. W Unlike occupants of cars and trucks, bicyclists are exposed to the elements. In a recent local tragedy, a bicyclist was killed in a motor vehicle accident with a vehicle. Police stated that the collision took place at East Smith

Fractures and sprains are common injuries for caregivers

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has compiled statistics indicating hospitals are among the most hazardous places for people to work. Nurses and other healthcare workers face unique circumstances in their duties that can lead to injury or illness. OSHA notes that caregivers often feel they must put patient safety above

Civil damages for drunk driving accidents

Even the most responsible driver can still end up in a car accident because of a reckless or negligent driver. One of the most common causes of a car accident is drunk driving. Every year, the government releases startling statistics regarding drunk drivers, and every year, it seems to be