

3 tips to avoid a back injury as a nurse

When you think of workplaces that require heavy lifting, you might first think of a warehouse or construction site. However, as a nurse or nursing assistant, your job requires a lot of lifting. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), heavy lifting is getting worse for nurses because of increasing patient obesity

Liability in commercial truck accidents

Accidents involving trucks are inherently more dangerous than other types of motor vehicle accidents for the simple reason that trucks are so much larger and heavier than other vehicles on the road. A commercial truck accident also adds an additional layer of legal complexity to a lawsuit to recover damages.

Are you suffering from toxins at work?

When you think of worker’s compensation cases, you might imagine something like construction workers injured by falling equipment, or nurses hurting their backs lifting patients. However, causes such as toxins can also qualify you for worker’s comp. For example, if you are a photocopier technician, you work with machines and substances that

How does OSHA protect workers while they are on the job?

Every year too many American workers are hurt while doing their jobs. Victims of workplace accidents and incidents reside right here in Colorado, and when their harm is caused by the practices in place at their places of employment those injured workers can pursue financial help through workers’ compensation claims.

Vehicle accidents can cause catastrophic injuries

A vehicle accident can affect a Denver driver in any number of ways. It may be a simple “fender bender” that causes the victim to lose some time and expend some energy in order to repair their vehicle and deal with their insurance claims. It may be a more serious

Stay off social media after a motor vehicle accident

Chances are good you have some kind of social media presence, whether it is on Facebook, Twitter or something else. A report from the Pew Research Center shows that nearly seven out of 10 Americans have some type of social media account. There are those who post everything about their lives on these

Getting the right help after a “phantom driver” accident

Most vehicle accidents involve a physical collision between two or more cars, trucks or other automobiles. These accidents can be damaging and very dangerous to Denver residents. However, accidents can also occur when two vehicles never touch, but one causes the other to suffer a collision. Accidents caused by drivers

Why do so many nurses get hurt on the job?

Any Denver resident who has ever spent time in a hospital knows how valuable and important nurses are to the functioning of a medical center. They provide direct care to many patients throughout their shifts, maintaining the courses of treatment prescribed by the patients’ doctors and monitoring those under their

How can office workers at desks suffer injuries?

When most people think of work-related injuries, they think about something drastic. However, workplace-related injuries can occur to anyone anywhere, including those who spend most of their work days behind a desk. In fact, a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that over three million people suffered injuries at the

National drunk driving statistics are sobering

Mothers Against Drunk Driving, often referred to by its acronym “MADD,” is an organization that advocates for the end of preventable drunk driving accidents and fatalities. The organization has a presence in Colorado, as well as other states throughout the nation, and compiles statistics on drunk driving to use to