

Drivers spent less time on the road in 2020, yet fatalities surged

When many states went into lockdown in March 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. roadways soon became nearly empty. For months, traffic levels dropped significantly, with many commuters working from home and avoiding unnecessary trips. However, while drivers spent significantly less time on the road in 2020, traffic fatalities

Most common accidents in the workplace

Accidents in the workplace happen more than many people realize. While some lines of work are more dangerous than others, there is always a chance that you may get injured while on the job. Here are a few common workplace accidents that occur in Colorado and elsewhere. Overexertion Overexertion is

Can you apply for workers’ comp after a commute accident?

To qualify for workers’ compensation in Colorado, you have to be injured on the job site or while you’re clocked in. Typically, this doesn’t apply to injuries you might sustain while driving to work or coming home. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Can you get workers’ comp from

Not all truck crashes are big-rig collisions

Commercial vehicles are everywhere on the Colorado highway system. They can be involved in activities ranging from delivering goods to retailers and other distributors to making roadside pickups, often stopping in the roadway when working. A prime example of vehicles that constantly stop while discharging work responsibilities is trash trucks.

Common reasons for car accidents

Car accidents can result in serious injury or death, but fortunately, many car accidents are avoidable. Automobile collisions often occur because of poor driving conditions or issues with the vehicles involved. Residents of Colorado and other states should be aware of some of the contributing factors that could lead to

What if my workers’ compensation claim was denied?

It was an ordinary day at work, then you found yourself seriously injured. After seeking medical attention, you reported the injury to your employer and filed for workers’ compensation benefits. You anticipate getting the benefits you need to cover medical expenses and lost wages while you recover. After all, you

Important steps to take after a car crash

You were going about your day. You had just finished running a few errands and were on your way home. Suddenly, however, things changed. You were hit from behind while waiting at a stop light. The driver was distracted and failed to slow his car, which then slammed into yours,

Working in healthcare comes with multiple job injury risks

Before a pandemic ravaged throughout the United States in 2020, you might not have thought much about job-related hazards you face working in healthcare. However, in 2017, more than 580,000 healthcare works suffered a job-related injury or illness, according to the Occupational Health Safety Administration (OSHA).   Common workplace injuries in

Symptoms of a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Depending on countless factors from the types of vehicles involved to the speed at which they were traveling, a collision can result in devastating injuries. Vehicle occupants can suffer broken bones, spinal cord damage, amputation or paralysis. Numerous types of impacts can lead to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). In

Workplace injuries can be caused by equipment failure

While workers in any career can suffer accident injuries, muscle strains, or toxic exposure, those who work in factories or construction risk getting hurt on nearly every shift. Unfortunately, numerous accidents occur due to various pieces of equipment failing while in use. Employees start a shift feeling confident that their