Cyclist loses life when truck driver fails to yield in Boulder

Bicycles may have two skinny wheels and are powered by our own muscles, but they share a right to the road too. They aren’t always as easy to spot, but drivers need to pay attention to the entire road. When this duty is ignored, the result is often an accident — and it is usually the cyclist who suffers the worst of the damage.

That is exactly what happened just outside of Boulder this week. A truck-bicycle accident occurred on Tuesday, Aug. 13 just before 7 a.m. Officials with the Colorado State Patrol detailed what turned out to be a fatal collision for the 62-year-old cyclist.

The State Patrol officials also reported that they would be looking into the possible charges that could be weighed against the driver. Although the investigation remains open, officials confirmed that the driver of the truck had failed to yield to the cyclist.

Initial investigation into the fatal bike accident showed that the truck had been in the eastbound lane of the roadway. When he approached a landscape supply company, he initiated a left-hand turn into the driveway and into the path of the cyclist.

Unable to avoid the truck, the bicycle struck the vehicle and became entangled in the large wheels that were in motion at the time.

Although the State Patrol said that there is the possibility of traffic charges, that is not the only way to address an accident. A personal liability lawsuit focuses not just on the negligent actions of a driver, but also on the needs of the victim or their family in the case of a wrongful death.

Source: Daily Camera, “CSP: Driver failed to yield in Valmont Road collision that killed cyclist, 62,” Mitchell Byars and Joe Rubino, Aug. 13, 2013