Toyota course to educate teens on dangers of distracted driving

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents on our roadways, claiming 3,331 lives in 2011, up from 3,267 in 2010. Distraction comes in various forms, but use of cell phones is perhaps the cause gaining the greatest attention in recent years, undoubtedly because of the flourishing of hand-held technology and the popularity of texting.

In order to beat back the growing threat of distracted driving, most states have passed some form of restriction on the use of cell phones and texting by drivers. In Colorado, lawmakers have banned all cell phone use, whether hand-held or hand-free, for novice drivers, as well as texting by any driver. Both of these laws can be enforced without the presence of any other violation.

Car manufacturers are also doing their part to encourage or discourage drivers, as the case may be, to put down their phones and stay focused on the road. Teen drivers are particularly prone to distracted driving, the statistics show.

With Memorial Day weekend, graduations and summer vacation quickly approaching, more teens will be out on the roadways, and Toyota has created a driver’s education course in Stapleton to help educate teens on how to operate a vehicle under emergency-conditions, including distractions behind the wheel. More than 600 Colorado teens and their parents will have the opportunity to participate in the education experience.

The program is one that Toyota is offering nationwide, and will hopefully contribute to increased safety on our roadways, particularly when it comes to teen drivers.

Source:, “Teens tested on driving while distracted,” Corey Rose, May 17, 2013.