Can you file an accident report online?

If you have ever been involved in a car accident, you will already know how emotionally exhausting the experience can be. The trauma of the incident, the realization of the extent of the damage, worries about the cost of repairs and medical bills. All of these factors contribute to the stress of the incident, making it easy to forget that you may also be required to file an accident report.

As is explained in this article about accident reports, in Colorado, all accidents involving motor vehicles are legally required to be reported to authorities immediately. This includes any accident in which injury or damage occurs as a result of the movement of a vehicle’s load or the vehicle itself. You may need to supply specific information about the incident as well as the people involved. It may help you to take photographs of the scene and to exchange details with witnesses and other drivers.

Colorado allows some incidents to be reported via an online form. This is possible as long as the accident did not result in a fatality or in any injury that called for medical attention. The accident must also not have involved anyone with license or insurance violations or who is under suspicion of drunk driving. Furthermore, the accident cannot have caused any damage to public property, nor can it have been a hit-and-run. The exception to this latter rule is when there is a deficit of information about the other driver.

Making sure you file an accurate report may benefit you if you choose to seek an insurance payout or claim compensation from the driver responsible for the crash. An attorney may be able to help you understand your options and guide you through the relevant legal process.