Shocking stats on distracted drivers

Whether bored, multitasking or simply trying to pass the time between errands, drivers can find themselves focusing on numerous tasks while behind the wheel. Unfortunately, even the most mundane activity can pull focus and attention from staying safe on the road and lead to serious accidents.

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) surveyed drivers and uncovered some shocking admissions, including:

  • 33% of respondents admitted to sending a text, email or social media message while driving
  • 48% of respondents admitted to reading messages while driving
  • 71% admitted to selecting entertainment on a device
  • 65% admitted to eating while driving
  • 63% admitted to making a hands-free call while driving

Based on the survey results, it is clear that the majority of Colorado drivers feel comfortable using their cell phones or other electronic devices while behind the wheel. While the use of electronic devices seems to be the most common, dozens of other distractions can pull focus from the road. Activities such as personal grooming, changing clothes or talking to vehicle passengers can all become dangerous distractions for drivers.

In 2018, distracted drivers caused 15,673 vehicle crashes in Colorado. These collisions resulted in 53 deaths. Drivers can become negligent by performing even simple tasks that can take vision and focus from the road or hands from the steering wheel. In a collision, vehicle occupants can suffer devastating injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, burn injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis or amputation. Severe collisions can result in fatalities. If you were injured or you have lost a loved one, do not hesitate to contact a skilled motor vehicle accident attorney to learn more about your legal options.