

Recent shooting highlights the risk of workplace violence

Nurses face a much higher rate of workplace violence than other workers. The recent shooting at a Colorado Springs hospital recently highlighted this fact. Thankfully, no nurses or other staff were injured. According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, there was only one metal detector at the hospital where the shooting

Summer months see increase in car crashes

Many may think that Colorado winters, with their ice and snow-slicked roads, are the most dangerous time to be on the road, but this is simply not true. The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day sees the most fatal car accidents, more than any other time of the year. Recent years have

It was just a fender-bender, so how could you have TBI?

Let us say your car was struck from behind at low speed when you stopped at a light. There was very little damage, and you felt OK after the accident. However, a few hours later, you developed a headache and felt a bit dizzy. You went to the doctor promptly, and her traumatic

Are teens more likely to become injured at work?

Many Colorado teens are entering the workforce for the first time this summer. Their newfound independence might come at a price, however, as research shows that 54% of workplace injuries affected teens in their first few months on the job. This incidence rate is two to three times higher than

Woman killed by multiple DUI offender

Last week’s post discussed the imbalance between the nominal penalties offenders face for causing multiple crashes and the long-term consequences car accident victims have to contend with. Repeat offenders are let off lightly, and a new law is set to change that in Colorado. The change, if it happens, will

Workplace injuries happen to teens, too

With school out, you probably encourage your teen to get a summer job to keep busy and save money for college. While this is a positive endeavor, teaching important life and employment skills, it also comes with a risk, especially in consideration of the types of jobs teens usually get.

New law will increase penalties for repeat car accident offenders

It is a tragic state of affairs when repeat offenders cause multiple car accidents on the road. Accident victims in Colorado are unable to get the justice they deserve, as the law dictates that a nominal fine be imposed and a couple of points get added to the reckless driver’s

“Barista Wrist: The Surprising Workplace Injury Plaguing Colorado’s Coffee Shops”

Colorado residents work hard to make ends meet, whether it is in an office or a restaurant. Regardless of the type of job one does, they do not expect to get injured performing tasks related to their employment. But, the reality is that every job carries inherent dangers, even those

3 Dangers Nurses Need to Consider

Dangers to Avoid Harm The nursing profession is forecast to continue growing. Demand for qualified individuals is increasing as the largest swath of the population – Baby Boomers – continues to age and require more medical care. Nurses tend to face some of the most difficult working conditions. Constantly dealing

Can uninsured drivers be held accountable for car accidents?

State law mandates that every motorist have liability insurance. Unfortunately, many people try to get around this requirement by canceling their insurance as soon as their vehicle is registered or by taking other steps to save money. In fact, statistics show that as the economy worsens, the number of people