

Driver negligence in accidents with child bicyclists

A recent post here on our Denver personal injury law blog discussed an incident in which a driver struck and injured a bicyclist. Bike accidents are all too common in Denver, and one type of accident in particular: accidents involving child bicyclists. Of all car-bicycle accident scenarios, the largest percentage involves child bicyclists. This

3 ways insurance companies manipulate injured workers

Getting injured on the job can be painful, inconvenient and stressful. No matter how severe your injury is, you are likely facing time off for your recovery, potential lost wages and the accumulation of medical bills. Luckily, your employer’s workers’ comp insurance should cover your treatment and a portion of your

Driver sentenced for drunk driving accident with bicyclist

Sometimes, drivers get behind the wheel while under the influence thinking that they will be okay. They think that they are still sober enough to stay in their lane and to avoid other vehicles. But alcohol affects a driver’s response time and judgment in such a way that drunk driving accidents can

Is the truck driver always at fault in a truck accident? (Part 2)

Truck drivers and trucking companies have a number of responsibilities, including special training for drivers, vehicle maintenance and responsible management policies, above and beyond those of passenger vehicle drivers. Negligence in any of these areas will likely indicate that the driver or company bears some liability when a truck accident occurs. However,

Common hazards for nursing home workers

Much of the negativity toward nursing homes, assisted living facilities and similar establishments focuses on the abuse and neglect the elderly experience at the hands of staff members. While this certainly does happen, just as common is the danger these places pose to workers themselves. In fact, OSHA shares that

Is the truck driver always at fault in a truck accident? (Part 1)

We often make mention here on our Denver personal injury law blog of the dangers that semi-trucks and inattentive truck drivers pose to other motorists on our roads and highways. If for no other reason than their sheer size and weight compared to a passenger vehicle, trucks have the potential

What to do when a missing street sign causes a car accident

Car accidents are not always clear-cut. Sometimes multiple factors played into a wreck, such as one tragic incident several months ago in Colorado when a high school student missed a curve, causing his vehicle to roll. Deputies later said a sign warning drivers about the curve was not in place at the

Does your injury qualify for workers’ compensation?

Denver workers suffer injuries on the job all the time, but far too many dismiss the notion that they should receive compensation. Perhaps they assume that workers’ compensation is only for extreme situations and critical injuries. It is therefore worth pausing to ask: just what types of injuries are compensable under workers’ compensation?

How can a mental distraction cause an accident?

Much attention has been given to the risks of texting and driving or succumbing to any of the other myriad distractions that can lure drivers. Physical distractions are certainly a detriment on the road, but there are other distractions that can be just as dangerous — even though they are

Construction workers and the high risk of elevator accidents

As a Colorado construction worker, your job often may require you to work in, on or around elevators. If so, you are at far higher risk of injury or death than members of the general public whose elevator rides are a normal part of life. More than 17,000 people receive injuries in