

3 on-the-job injury risks for nurses

While nurses dedicate their careers to helping people with injuries and illnesses, often their own health is not given as much attention. However, nurses face several on-the-job injury risks as they go about their day-to-day tasks. On-the-job injuries should not be ignored, especially by health professionals who often face particular

Accident countermeasures and truck company negligence (Part 2)

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association promotes strategies that truck drivers and truck companies can use to help reduce the risks of accidents and injuries in certain situations. We’ll continue our earlier discussion of truck accident countermeasures case studies this week, with the understanding that the information is intended to

Accident countermeasures and truck company negligence (Part 1)

The presence of trucks and tractor-trailers on the roads and highways today is a fact of life. Given this, Denver residents may sometimes feel that a certain level of risk from these vehicles is also just a part of life. To a certain extent, that’s true, but there are also

Can you receive workers’ comp for PTSD?

Every business has ways to limit the amount of workers’ compensation employees need should they sustain any injuries. For example, Denver police officers have a physical therapist on staff to help treat officers injured in the line of duty. However, not all injuries are visible to the naked eye. There are a

How do pre-existing injuries affect a car accident claim?

One of the most dreaded phrases in the insurance industry is “pre-existing condition.” Fortunately, most people, even with prior medical conditions, still qualify for health insurance under Colorado law. Most people should know what to do following a traffic collision. However, you may naturally feel worried if you sustained a serious injury

Driver runs red light, injures kids in Denver crosswalk

Denver residents rely on first responders in emergencies. Whether fire, police or medical, our city’s emergency response professionals do the best they can to protect public safety. But this doe not mean that average citizens can do their part to help. Recently, one local mother’s immediate reaction may have even

Representing injured nurses with workers’ compensation claims

Working within the health care industry is always unpredictable. Of course, the highs that Denver nurses and health care workers get to experience when they ease a patient’s pain and suffering, treat injuries or even save lives are exhilarating and are often the reason why they got into the field.

Can I handle my Denver workers’ compensation claim on my own?

If you have suffered an injury on the job, it may seem logical to handle the entire claims process on your own. After all, Colorado state law requires your employer to carry workers’ compensation insurance, and the process may seem rather straightforward. Unfortunately, the workers’ compensation process is anything but

Hit-and-run accident injured young Denver area victim

In the event of a car accident, there are a number of steps drivers are typically required to take. First and foremost is pulling over to the side of the road, getting out and providing any necessary assistance, including calling for help. Drivers in hit-and-run accidents who flee the scene face serious

Nurse injured on the job in correctional facility

Regular readers of our Denver personal injury law blog are aware of the risks of workplace injury that nurses face on the job every day. Hospitals and clinics, elder care facilities and similar health care settings are the most common, but nurses work in a number of settings that Denver