

4 things people do that ruin workers’ comp claims

Colorado’s workers’ compensation laws have been on the books since 1915. They came about as a result of the Industrial Revolution to protect workers while also setting limits to the employer’s liability. Many employees in the United States rely on workers’ comp, but some people make mistakes that ruin their claims. If you make one

2 main reasons to never take cash after a car accident

Car accidents appear to be on the rise in Colorado. To combat this increase, the state’s Department of Transportation gave $3.5 million to various nonprofit organizations in 2017 to inform the public of risky behaviors, such as drunk driving, that can increase the chances of being in a crash. If you ever

When is an employer responsible for an employee’s negligence?

We made a point previously on our Denver personal injury law blog that may warrant some further discussion and clarification. In a post about an accident involving a city worker, we noted that an employer can generally be held accountable for an employee’s dangerous or negligent acts. There are certain

4 mistakes to avoid at all costs after an auto accident

Colorado’s Department of Motor Vehicles offers some suggestions for what people should do after a car accident. It is vital to never leave the scene until police have a chance to arrive. You should also make sure to exchange your contact and insurance information with the other party. In the heat of

Six-figure settlement in auto accident with city worker

Denver residents are used to sharing the roads with city vehicles. Colorado cities and municipalities try to do their best to ensure that their employees are trained and equipped to ensure the safety of others as they drive to and from sites throughout the area. But when a city employee

Occupational hazards faced by today’s nurses

If you are among the many men and women who currently make a living as a nurse, you probably find at least some degree of fulfillment in working a job that allows you to help others in need. As rewarding as a career in nursing can be, however, it is

Self-driving trucks: the answer to truck accidents?

When truck drivers drive negligently, the results can be catastrophic. Despite federal trucking regulations governing drivers as well as trucking companies, many still drive drowsy, under the influence of drugs (prescription or otherwise) or take dangerous actions behind the wheel that lead to truck accidents with serious injuries or deaths resulting. New

Why you should hire an attorney after a car accident

If you have never been involved in a car accident before, you might only now realize the long-term effects that often come from these events. Maybe you are unable to work for a time, and this has made paying your bills a struggle. Your rising medical expenses may also cause you

Police seek video evidence in possible drunk driving accident

We’ll continue from our last post on the unfortunate subject of the dangerous roads in Colorado today. With over 600 lives lost behind the wheel in Colorado last year, 2018 has already seen two highway deaths just north of Denver. In the early evening hours on a Saturday, a young

Colorado traffic fatalities climb 29 percent in 3 years

Drivers across Colorado already have to worry about inclement weather, seasonal snowfall and steep mountain roads, but now they have a new concern. According to, the number of fatalities on the state’s roadways has climbed nearly 30 percent over the last three years, with 630 people losing their lives