

Injuries for Denver nurses and options for assistance

Nurses are who people count on when they get hurt or sick, but their duties put them at high risk for on-the-job injuries each and every day. Whether these are avoidable or inevitable, workers’ compensation typically covers many of the costs. Here are a few facts about nursing injuries. Frequency of

Denver drivers, pedestrians both have a duty of care

We noted last week, in the case of a van that struck a group of pedestrians in downtown Denver, that pedestrian accident injuries can be both serious and, unfortunately, challenging when it comes to seeking compensation. Let’s take a closer look at the responsibilities of both drivers and pedestrians, and

A high-altitude job may lead to workers’ compensation injury

With the beautiful mountains in Colorado, traveling to high altitudes from lower ones can be a near daily event for some workers as well as visitors. For those having that work commute or condition, however, this kind of work-related reality may cause altitude sickness. For instance, those working in mining may

Auto accident in downtown Denver injures pedestrians

Walking around downtown Denver is something many residents would consider a relatively peaceful, safe activity. Especially when enjoying time out with friends in broad daylight, few would expect to suddenly find themselves the victims of an auto accident. This was just what happened, however, to a group of three pedestrians on

Nurses have higher risk of experiencing violence on the job

Every workplace has certain dangers that employers need to protect workers against. In hospitals, nurses have to contend with the same dangers as practically anyone else, including slip and falls and exposure to dangerous substances. However, a report from The Atlantic found that nurses are much more likely than other professions to

The holiday season can bring dangers to the roadways

Now that the holiday season is upon us, residents in Colorado and other states are likely in a festive mood. Colanders are likely being filled up with family gatherings, holiday parties and events. While this is an exciting time to plan and shop for, it is also a time where

Older health care workers may suffer more work injuries

The Colorado health care industry is fortunate to have a large worker population of older professionals. The added experience can be unparalleled by younger workers. However, older workers may be more prone to work-related injuries. There are policies that health care companies, such as hospitals, can take to reduce the

Principal of small school district killed in car accident

Sometimes, we are reminded of just how many lives a car accident can affect. Even if the accident itself only involves two vehicles, the impact of the incident can reverberate throughout an entire community, shaking it to its core. That’s what has happened with a recent car accident involving a beloved school

There are hidden injuries following a car accident

People are extremely likely to suffer some kind of injury after a vehicle collision. Reports from the Colorado’s Department of Public Safety found that there were over 2,800 injuries from car crashes in 2016 alone in the state. Following a motor vehicle accident of any severity, it is critical to see a

Call on a professional when pursuing workers’ compensation

Many injured Denver employees seeking workers’ compensation or appealing a denied claim have thoughts along these lines at some point. They may feel as if working with a legal representative means they are being unnecessarily cautious, or even aggressive. Think about the other times in your life when working with an attorney