

Why some drivers get angry at bicyclists

Some drivers are bicyclists themselves and respect cyclists on the roads. Other drivers, however, find cyclists to be a huge nuisance. Here is a look at a few common theories as to why cyclists are particularly likely to have a driver seeing red. Lack of “good” experiences There are more

Most common workplace injuries in the health care industry

Nurses and other health care professionals provide a valuable service to the people of Denver and people all over the country. However, this job is not without its risks. There are certain injuries people working in hospitals are more prone to receiving than others in the workforce. While everyone hopes

Drinking and driving over the holiday can lead to serious losses

Many Denver residents are able to take time off from work during the Fourth of July week to enjoy the parades and parties that often occur when the nation celebrates its birthday. Unfortunately, some who choose to celebrate Independence Day do so by consuming alcohol and then making the dangerous

Types of damages for Colorado car accidents

Car crashes often result in both immediate and long-term harm for those involved, as well as for wider society. According to a 2010 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, medical expenses and productivity losses due to motor vehicle accidents exceeded $99 billion. While the cost to an individual

Nurses who use right lifting techniques still can suffer injuries

As we discussed in last week’s blog, nurses suffer back injuries at a rate that is much higher than any other occupation. These injuries are extremely debilitating and can mean a nurse is out of work for months or even years. Even with using proper lifting techniques, nurses can still suffer

Nursing staff often suffer injuries

Nurses and other staff are often well-loved people that Denver residents encounter while in the hospital or other care facility. These employees work hard to make sure their patients are well cared for. But, health care workers are also injured on the job at a high rate, suffering from a

Serious hit-and-run accident kills one in Denver

Most Denver area drivers understand that safe driving is incredibly important. But, occasionally, a family is rocked by an unexpected accident. In these cases, it is important to determine who is at fault for an accident and make sure that victims receive the help they deserve. A tragic accident recently

What might qualify a nurse for worker’s comp?

To get worker’s compensation, an injured worker typically has to show that an injury occurred on the job and during the scope of normal work activities. If you are a nurse, you probably understand the many ways in which it is possible to get hurt on the job. Worker’s compensation

What is a ‘notice of contest’ in CO workers’ compensation?

All kinds of workers can get injured on the job. While some occupations may be more inherently dangerous than others, just about every job presents some possibility for injury. For example, one industry that is often not thought of as being particularly dangerous is that of health care. However, the

Some alarming facts about drunk driving

Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of accidents across the United States. Thousands of families are affected by these tragedies each year. Drunk driving is completely preventable. When people make the decision to drive after they have been drinking, they risk their lives and the lives of everyone else