

How to handle a car accident with an uninsured driver

Most Denver area residents will be in an at least one car accident during their driving career. Most of the time, these accidents don’t cause serious injuries or damage, but sometimes these accidents can be serious. If the other driver has no insurance coverage, there are some things for the victim to keep in

Can truck drivers get workers comp?

Whatever type of job you have, it is possible you could get injured and qualify for workers’ compensation. For instance, a student could hit his or her teacher, leading to years of physical therapy for the teacher. If you are a truck driver injured on the job, you could possibly qualify

Are you or a loved one suffering from a brain injury?

Many Denver area residents will be the victim of a car accident at least once in their lives. Car accidents happen every day in the Denver area. Fortunately, most of these accidents are minor, but occasionally a serious auto accident occurs. These accidents can lead to a person suffering a serious injury,

Common car crash injuries

Every time you get into a car, an accident is a dangerous possibility. While the type and seriousness of crashes can differ, you should be aware of the common types of car accident injuries and what to do if you are hurt. Head injuries When a car travels at high speeds and

More than 600 drivers arrested over St. Patrick’s Day weekend

Drunk driving is a serious problem in Colorado and across the United States. Accidents caused by a drunk driver are completely avoidable. When someone makes the decision to engage in drunk driving, they put their lives and the lives of others at risk. A St. Patrick’s Day crackdown on drunk drivers in

Turbulence leads to injury for airline attendants

Airline attendants have many occupational risks not faced by other industries. Air travel is considered fairly safe, but there are conditions which cause working conditions to be unsafe. Turbulence, the air movement that causes a bumpy ride, may be uncomfortable and inconvenient for passengers, but it is highly dangerous for

What benefits are included under Colorado’s workers’ compensation law?

If this is your first time reading about workers’ compensation, you are not alone. Most people do not think about workers’ compensation benefits until they’ve been injured. Here is what you need to know about workers’ compensation benefits in Colorado. In Colorado, all employers with few exceptions are required to

Motorcyclist killed when pickup truck driver runs stop light

Motorcyclists have a reputation as risk-takers, or even as outlaws. When motorcyclists are injured in traffic accidents, many people may assume they were somehow at fault. In fact, huge numbers of accidents in which motorcycle riders are injured are caused by the driver of another vehicle. Recently, a motorcyclist was killed

Can I get workers’ compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome?

In Colorado, workers’ compensation is available for workers who get injured on the job or suffer from a work-related condition. Repetitive stress injuries are among the most typical work-related conditions. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common repetitive stress injury that often results from regular computer use or repetitive tasks with

Colorado workers empowered by OSHA and workers’ compensation

It is in the best interest of employers that their workforce remains healthy and strong. And of course, it is also vital that employees have the safest work environment possible. For these reasons, the federal government has specific mandates that help ensure worker safety. And the primary regulator of workplace