

What should you do immediately following an accident?

As we all know, accidents can happen to any person at any time, anywhere. So what are the things to do immediately following an accident? First and foremost is the safety and well-being of everyone involved in the accident. Make certain everyone in your party is accounted for and safe,

Why truck accidents are often catastrophic

Many of us are on the roads so often that we may take trucks for granted. There is no doubt that trucks play an enormous role in our society, transporting everything from furniture and appliances, construction, supplies and almost all the food and produce we see on the grocery shelves

MADD fears proposed bill could encourage drunk driving

Data compiled by the Colorado Department of Transportation reveals that last year, 196 people lost their lives in drug or alcohol-related crashes. And CDOT also says that every day an average of 77 motorists are arrested for driving while impaired. And to deal with this issue, the agency has mounted

How uninsured motorist coverage can and can’t protect you

Because of the unfortunate propensity of some individuals to drive with no or limited insurance coverage, many Coloradans opt to add uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to their policies. If you haven’t added this coverage to your policy, you need only call your insurance carrier because, in Colorado, all insurers are required to

What kind of injury can I get workers’ compensation for?

If you are injured in the workplace or as a result of your job, Colorado law may entitle you to various forms of compensation. You can get coverage for medical bills, imaging and lab studies, and loss of salary. While many types of common injuries will make you eligible for worker’s comp,

What is so dangerous about tailgating?

Tailgating is a particularly common type of risky driving. This behavior entails following too closely behind another vehicle and often results in rear-end collisions. While some drivers tailgate purposely in order to intimidate other motorists, others may do so because they are not paying attention to the road. Aggressive tailgating

Insurance claim or lawsuit; which is better after a car accident?

A car accident, no matter how small, will likely have an impact on your life. And a serious accident could profoundly affect your entire future. As such, once an accident occurs, you will have to decide the manner in which you want to pursue compensation. There two ways to receive recompense after

Truck drivers susceptible to dangerous sleep disorder

We all know that fatigue can wreak havoc on our physical and cognitive abilities. As such, it’s never a good idea to drive when we are overly tired. But unfortunately, truck drivers are often under great pressure to get their loads delivered in a timely manner and may forgo getting

Uninsured motorist accidents and medical expenses

Every car accident you are ever in, even a minor fender bender, is going to cause you some measure of inconvenience. And a major accident can leave you with serious injuries and a demolished vehicle. But if the accident was the fault of another driver, at least you can have

Why driving while buzzed is more dangerous than you think

Most people know that getting behind the wheel while drunk carries the risk of causing a serious accident. If you ask your friends how drunk is too drunk to drive, chances are they will bring up the legal definition of a 0.8 percent blood alcohol level. They may also mention