

When is workers’ comp not enough?

Workers’ compensation is a right in the workplace for fair treatment in case you’ve been injured on the job. So what happens if the injury is more severe, or if the damages are lasting and you feel that your workers’ comp claim wasn’t enough? What are your options? Most injuries

Does workers’ compensation cover my chronic condition?

Not every workplace injury is the result of a fall or other traumatic event. Some injuries can result from repetitive motion or long-term exposure to hazardous conditions. Since these illnesses or injuries may not be as obviously related to the work environment as a specific accident, some workers may not

Back to school safety tips

Besides increasing the amount of patrol cars in school zones, Denver Police are helping families by providing many tips to stay safe all school year. Police are reminding motorists to obey all traffic laws and speed limits in school zones and slow down. Be aware of the school crossing guards and obey

Auto accident fatalities are near record high

Many are watching with eager curiosity as automotive technology evolves in the self-driving car industry. This futuristic step in highway safety is intended to remove the most common factor in motor vehicle accident fatalities: human error. In fact, 94 percent of all fatal traffic accidents are caused by a driver’s

What if the drunk driver who hit me did not get convicted?

It is rare for people to not figure tomorrow into their every day. We get up in the morning and go to work, not because working eight hours will fulfill our desires for the day, but instead for tomorrow, for the earnings, for the retirement one day. You don’t go

Colorado storms bring more than leaks

After seasonal storms grew in intensity to bring with them hail, roof-damaged homeowners in Colorado may now be looking for repairs. Where there is necessity, there is demand and where there is demand, there so often is an influx of contractors rushing to answer that cry. However, in the rush to procure

When you cannot protect yourself

After you have been injured on the job or even when you were not at work and were involved in a car accident, you may find you are struggling to recover. In those days and weeks following your injury, your family also has to change their day-to-day routine to make up

Family of 5 en route to Colorado killed by truck

Big dreams were in front of a family of five on their way to Colorado. The mother and father were both in their late twenties, with three young and beautiful children to be proud of. The youngest child was only a couple of months old. The family was on their

Workers’ compensation is your right

We do not ever go to work with the expectation that we will be hurt while performing our basic job duties. And yet injuries suffered in just such a way happen routinely in the state of Colorado and throughout the nation. Because of this common cause of suffering, and the

“Pokemon Go” game leading to increase in accidents

The nation is witnessing a rise in accidents associated with Pokemon Go, the newest video gaming craze. Pokemon was originally popular with children in the 1990s, and the new game is an app that is popular on mobile phones. Many people are playing the game, and they are staying focused