

New test dummy created to represent toddler in crash simulations

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is now using a crash test dummy designed to represent a 3-year-old child in side impact crash tests. It is the first dummy of its kind in federal regulations, and it will be used to test how effective certain child safety seats are

3 ways toxic chemicals can enter a worker’s body

Workers and supervisors might both work hard to reduce on-the-job accidents such as slip-and-falls and vehicle accidents. Through safety training and personal protective equipment, workplaces might see a reduction in serious accidents. However, it is not uncommon for employees to suffer dangerous exposure without even realizing it. Workers might face

Healthcare workers susceptible to workplace assaults

Healthcare workers are at high risk of facing violent assaults in the workplace. Since nurses and aides typically have the most regular contact with patients, they represent the group of healthcare workers at the highest risk for workplace violence. However, there are other likely victims such as emergency response personnel,

Getting answers after a hit-and-run accident

After a car accident, victims often are left with more questions than answers. This can be especially true when the person responsible for the crash flees the scene. In these upsetting situations, answers can be hard to come by unless you know where to look. Why do drivers flee the

Airline traffic picking up; workers continue to face job hazards

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on airports around the world. Passenger traffic at the Denver International Airport plummeted 75% in June. However, in July, the airport has experienced a stronger uptick in passenger rates, the most since March when people became much more aware of the virus. Air

Common causes of construction crane accidents

Construction sites can be home to countless severe accidents and injuries. From those involving the failure of safety gear to those centering on toxic exposure, construction workers are in danger of serious accidents and death on nearly every shift. The most devastating category of injuries, however, involves the use of

What are the most common types of workplace injuries?

Every job presents some risk to a person’s safety, whether that person sits behind a desk or works on a construction site. And workplace accidents can happen to anyone. Thankfully, there are numerous precautions people can take to reduce their risk of getting hurt. Understanding what the most common injuries

Healthcare workers face the danger of physical violence

Many people equate workers’ compensation with a single-instance accident such as a slip-and-fall or being struck by a falling object. Healthcare workers, however, face those dangers plus those involving repetitive stress injuries and exposure to diseases. A new danger, unfortunately, has also become a growing trend – physical violence from

Shocking stats on distracted drivers

Whether bored, multitasking or simply trying to pass the time between errands, drivers can find themselves focusing on numerous tasks while behind the wheel. Unfortunately, even the most mundane activity can pull focus and attention from staying safe on the road and lead to serious accidents. The Colorado Department of

3 types of concussion symptoms

Motor vehicle accidents can result in catastrophic injuries. Damage such as broken bones, lacerations and amputation can be readily apparent. A traumatic brain injury, however, might have symptoms that take hours or days to appear. In some situations, it is the family and friends of the victim who first notice